Stephan's journey into the world of film began at an early age, igniting a lifelong passion for visual storytelling. Introduced to the magic of the silver screen at just four years old, he quickly found himself immersed in the world of print modeling and TV commercials. However, it was during his formative years at The American School in Switzerland (TASIS) that Stephan's artistic flame was reignited, exposing him to the captivating realms of art and film.
Fueling his creative ambitions, Stephan pursued a degree at the prestigious Academy of Art University (AAU) in San Francisco, where he honed his skills in film and visual effects. Through a combination of rigorous academic training and freelance work, he sharpened his acumen as a VFX artist, cinematographer/Steadicam operator, and editor. With each passing year, Stephan's passion for film blossomed, evident in his meticulous attention to the acoustical aspects of storytelling and his visionary approach to capturing and manipulating footage.
Stills in Motion
Over the past decade, Stephan has collaborated with a diverse array of local and international companies, lending his expertise and keen eye to numerous creative commercial productions. As an experienced video production specialist, he has seamlessly integrated his craft into the corporate world, partnering with sales and marketing teams to develop compelling resources and drive GTM (Go-To-Market) strategies forward.
Stephan's dynamic skill set extends beyond technical prowess. As a dedicated creative project manager, he possesses a unique ability to identify opportunities for growth by harnessing the power of impactful storytelling. With an innovative and goal-oriented management style, he leads teams towards visionary achievements, consistently pushing the boundaries of innovation.
Stephan's expertise spans over a decade of collaborating with local and international companies, delivering creative commercial productions while seamlessly integrating his craft into the corporate world.
Harnessing the full potential of creative tools and cutting-edge technology solutions, Stephan has mastered the art of developing and sustaining dynamic production operations. Whether it's through captivating cinematography, seamless VFX integration, or expert editing techniques, Stephan's work exudes a harmonious blend of artistry and technical excellence.
With a profound commitment to his craft and an unwavering passion for visual storytelling, Stephan continues to shape the landscape of film and commercial production. Through his tireless pursuit of innovation and a steadfast dedication to delivering high-impact narratives, he stands at the forefront of the industry, ready to embark on new creative endeavors and captivate audiences with his visionary work.